Chef Aaron Sanchez Roasts Gordon Ramsay’s Chorizo Avocado Toast

“I’m looking at this chorizo avocado toast and I’m highly concerned”

Those were the opening words that celebrity chef and MasterChef judge, Aaron Sanchez, had in regards to Gordon Ramsay’s recipe video for Chorizo Avocado Toast. For a chef that’s an expert in Mexican cuisine to come at you like that off the rip truly means you’ve screwed up.

“You put lemon juice on top of avocado. That never happens. It should always be lime. You know better than that,” Sanchez admonished.

Chef Sanchez does sign off from his good-natured roast with, “I love you, bye boss,” just so we get it clear that there won’t be a future knife fight between Sanchez and Ramsay on the MasterChef set.

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