Grillmaster Collection Gourmet Spices

Seasoning your meats is tricky. Do it wrong and your food just doesn’t live up to its potential. On the one hand you want to make your grilled items taste superb, but on the other you don’t want to drown out the natural flavors each meat. Luckily there’s a way to compliment the natural flavors of your beef and poultry with the Grillmaster Collection.

Encased in each vial is a different blend of gourmet salts and spices to give your barbecue the boost it needs. In the collection there’s wild garlic, alderwood smoked, smoked coconut and lime, smoked guava wood, two blends of viking smoked oak salt, smoked chardonnay oak, smoked chipotle, smoked applewood, smoked hickory , and classic smoked seasonings. ($60 @ Home Wet Bar)

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