Heart Attack Grill Brings 8,000 Calorie Burger to Las Vegas

The Heart Attack Grill. The name speaks for itself, doesn’t it?

With his third restaurant opening, now in Las Vegas, owner Jon Basso continues his mission to cater to the daring. This over the top restaurant seems like a dream for some, but a nightmare for most of the world.

Home of the 8,000-calorie burger, this massive mound of meat appropriately titled the Quadruple Bypass Burger has now made it’s new home in Vegas. The burger, reported to be about 8,000 calories, contains: four beef patties, bacon, and cheese. You can add a side of their fries, deep-fried in lard, to go along with your burger.

The restaurant also serves up a milkshakes reported to have “the world’s highest butterfat content,” which if it wasn’t excessive enough, is garnished with a tab of butter!

Another perk of The Heart Attack Grill is the fact that if you weigh 350 pounds or over, you eat for free!

But with a slogan like, “A Taste Worth Dying For,” Heart Attack Grill doesn’t plan on playing it safe.

All this artery-clogging deliciousness, along with candy, beer, soda pop, and cigarettes, will be served to you by waitresses in sexy nurse outfits.

I am not making this up.

via: ABC News

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