Pizza Hut Employee Fired After Writing Lewd Joke In Pizza Box Per Request

pizza hut employee

Recently, folks have been using the hashtag #JusticeForPizzaGirl to show their support for a Pizza Hut employee that fulfilled a customer’s request to write a dirty joke in their pizza box.

A mother in Stafford, Virginia took to social media to protest the crude humor, which her two sons ordered with the request to write a joke inside of it. That joke, which was written by the Pizza Hut staffer in the box, goes as follows:

What do a pizza delivery driver and a gynocologist have in common? 

They both have to smell it, but neither of them gets to eat it.

According to WJLA, the anonymous parent was “shocked and floored” when she discovered the pizza box, which she later posted to social media. The Pizza Hut employee did call and the mom said she hoped the staffer didn’t get fired, but that ultimately ended up happening anyway.

As a result, folks have been posting reviews on the Facebook page of the Pizza Hut that employee worked at, calling for her reinstatement.

The mother, according to WJLA, has been getting cyberbullied online as well because of her social media post. In response, she had this to say: “It’s an inappropriate joke. There’s a time and place for everything. My pizza box is not one of them. It’s a lesson learned.”

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