Woman Finds Live Frog In Her Target Salad, Keeps It As A Pet

live frog salad

The last thing you’d probably expect to find in your packaged salad is a live frog. Shockingly, one vegetarian mom has now born witness to this odd and somewhat disturbing event.

According to ABC7, SoCal resident Becky Garfinkel found the frog sitting in a salad she bought from her local Target discount store. After freaking out for a little bit, she removed the frog from her meal and rinsed off the salad dressing. Afterward, her husband noticed that the frog was barely alive and actually keeled over. He then performed CPR on the frog, administering chest compressions until it sprung back to life. After that, Garfinkel felt like they had to keep the frog as a pet.

Their new frog, Lucky, is now alive and well in an old aquarium that serves as its new home. Meanwhile, Target has offered Becky a $5 gift card for her troubles.

Taylor Farms, the company that made the salad, is launching an investigation to determine how the frog got there in the first place.

In the end, everything turned out just fine, although Becky claims she probably won’t be eating salad any time soon.

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