A ‘Nothing Burger’ Can Apparently Be Purchased At McDonald’s Kiosks

nothing burger

A glaring flaw has been discovered in McDonald’s high-tech kiosk system: You can be charged for ordering absolutely nothing.

While attempting to remove pickles from his cheeseburger order, Twitter user Arikuyo made a shocking discovery. He found that he could remove every single component of the burger from his order. By doing so, he eventually came to a screen that charged him 99 pence (0.99 Euros) for a “nothing burger.”

Afterward, Arikuyo decided to go all the way and placed the order. He eventually received an empty bag from what he describes as a “very confused” staffer.

Twitter users who saw the discovery of this crucial flaw have since been attempting to recreate the glitch, which has led to some pretty hilarious discoveries.

It looks like this may be something that’s plaguing kiosks across the world (except in Portugal, it seems.) It’s definitely a classic example professors will use to kick off programming classes for ages to come.

McDonald’s has not yet responded to a request for comment, but we’ll update you as we learn more about this kerfuffle.

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