This Stovetop Smart Knob Guides You Through Recipes While You Cook

klove smart knob

Food technology has certainly come a long way. Now, we have kitchen gadgets like this smart knob that help us cook recipes.

The high-tech stovetop device was invented by Klove, a company that aims to make cooking simpler and more personal. While normal stove knobs just control heat, Klove’s can connect to smartphones and devices like the Amazon Echo. From there, it can walk you through recipes, act as a self-guided timer, and control the heat on your stove.

Klove claims that their smart knob acts like an “intelligent sous chef.” Over time, it has the ability to not just guide you through recipes, but to also learn your own preferences for them. Examples include how spicy you like your chili or the cook you prefer your steak at.

While this may seem like a gimmicky stove knob at first, it definitely has its uses. It keeps you from thumbing through a recipe so you can keep your hands focused on cooking. Additionally, if you don’t have much experience cooking but want to try recipes out, Klove’s smart knob can act as a simple at-home guide.

If you want to acquire one, they’re available for pre-order through Klove’s Indiegogo campaign. Early bird orders are still available for $29, which includes shipping.

This stovetop gadget has the ability to help you cook better, so if you’re looking for a hands-free recipe guide, check the Klove smart knob out.

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