Easy-Bake Oven Gets A Makeover

new easy bake oven


It’s sexier. It’s sleeker. And it comes in purple. It’s the new Easy-Bake Oven.

Huffington Post reports on the drastic new design for the classic children’s toy that has been around since 1963.

“We wanted it to look more like a real appliance, not a plastic toy,” said Michelle Paolino, a vice president of global brand strategy and marketing at Hasbro.

Hasbro has introduced the eleventh version of the new oven, which is now light bulb free. The new model is said to reach up to 375 degrees internally, while only feeling warm to the touch on the exterior.

The new heating chamber is now approximately 50 percent bigger with more consistent heating. That’s 50 percent more baked goodness!


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