A DIY Version Of Japan’s Un-melting Ice Cream Exists, Here’s How To Make It

Recently, Japan stunned the world by inventing an ice cream that could resist melting, even when an air dryer was used on it for five minutes. Their secret ingredient were the polyphenols naturally inside of strawberries that solidified the creamy dessert and prevent it from going liquid in your hand instantly.
While Kanazawa University, the site at which the ice cream was first conceived, has yet to publish any research showing their work behind bringing this to light, YouTube channel HellthyJunkFood decided to conduct their own experiments to see if they could replicate the non-melting dessert at home. With a variety of recipes, a container of polyphenol pills, and strawberry extract on hand, multiple variations were created to see which ice cream withstood melting the best.
While all of the versions at least partially liquefied over time, an ice cream that just contained polyphenols (and no strawberry extract) had the best resistance. So if you’re attempting to recreate an un-melting frozen dessert at home, I’d follow that recipe for now. While none of the variations were perfect replicas of the ice cream that Kanazawa University created, it came pretty damn close for a DIY test. I’m sure loads of food science research will be happening in the U.S. to bring this product overseas, but until then, HellthyJunkFood’s made a pretty solid version you can try out at home.