Every Egg In This Carton From Trader Joe’s Contained Two Yolks And We’re Freaking Out

What in the world is Trader Joe’s feeding the chickens they get their eggs from?

YouTube user Mark J uploaded a shocking video showing that every single egg in a carton of twelve he bought from Trader Joe’s contained TWO yolks inside. The video shows five of them being cracked in a row that contained the duo of yolks, and the other seven had been cracked the night before and all also contained double yolks.

To put that into perspective, the probability of just one double-yolked egg appearing in a carton is about one in 1000. If this were a truly coincidental event, as the video portrays it to be, the likeliness of every egg in a carton being double-yolked is the same as winning the Powerball lottery FOUR times.

That all being said, there is some evidence that this could have just been a mistake in packaging. While Mark J did buy a carton of regularly marked eggs from Trader Joe’s, their supplier for these particular eggs, Sauder, does produce full cartons of double-yolked eggs that they label and sell as such. The probability of this happening is still rare, but its more likely that a labeling error was the true cause.

Regardless of whether that was the case or not, though, one thing’s for sure: Mark J is one lucky dude.

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