Lyft Now Has A ‘Taco Mode’ That Lets You Make A Taco Bell Pitstop

Photo: Taco Bell

Taco Bell has announced a new partnership with Lyft that’ll surely please anyone with the late-night munchies hoping to grab some fast food on their way home.

The ride share app will now feature a “Taco Mode” that activates with the push of a button. Taco Mode allows customers to visit The Bell on their way home. Some lucky riders will even get free swag and tacos during the limited promotion.

Taco Mode testing is currently underway in Orange County, CA, where Taco Bell Headquarters resides. The collaboration between the two brands will be available between July 27-29 and August 3-5. It will only be open from the hours of 9pm to 2am. Whether the Lyft driver gets to indulge on that Taco Bell goodness remains to be seen.

Now that Lyft has Taco Bell on lock, we wonder if they’re open to partnering up with any fried chicken spots. Hey, a guy can dream, can’t he?

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