5 Science Experiments You Can Try With A Coke Can

The Crazy Russian Hacker is one of the most interesting dudes on YouTube. You may remember him as the dude who turned Nutella into a fire starter.

In his latest video, he shows us five quirky little experiments you can do with a simple can of soda. Low-key, we kind of wish we had this guy as a science teacher. I probably would have stayed awake more.

Let’s check ’em out real quick and see what kind of wacky things come from a our midday caffeine fix.

The Imploding Can

The first and most dangerous of the experiments requires you to boil some of the water inside the Coke can and submerge it face down into a bowl of water.

The interior of the can should instantly concave, leaving a crushed can that you won’t have to lay a finger on.

This one, he stresses, kids should not try at home.

Blowing A Can Out A Glass

Put an empty soda can into a glass bowl and blow sideways. The can should propel out of the glass with a decent amount of force.

The Russian Hacker even tries to make a game out of it, seeing if he can shoot the can into another cup.

The Suction Cup

A pretty cool party trick, we find out how to get a can of soda to stick to your forehead. Press the bottom of the empty can against your forehead until a vacuum is created.

If done right, it should stick to your head like a soda-slinging demon from hell.

Balancing On The Rim Of A Jar

If you’ve got the patience, this trick is probably our most favorite. Fill an empty can of soda with about 100 mL of liquid. Then, carefully place it on the rim of a jar. Use your hands to steadily balance the can until you’re confident it can stand on its own.

Your friends will argue that you glued the can on, to which  you can gingerly tap it and shatter their perceptions.

The Sink Test

Finally, we get a visual look at how different diet sodas are compared to regular. Using a fish tank, the two variations of Coca-Cola are dropped at the same time. The original sinks straight to the bottom while the diet float to the top.

A great trick to see which beverages are more calorie friendly than others.

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