Watch RZA Try To Devour These Ridiculously Spicy Vegan Hot Wings

RZA, best known as The Abbot of the Wu-Tang Clan’s Shaolin Temple, and Paul Banks, known as the slick-haired lead singer of Interpol, left their own respective music supergroups and formed a super-duo called Banks and Steelz. The two are some of the smoothest musicians in existence and attempt to take down some demonic hot wings without losing their cool.
Many celebrities have tried First We Feast’s Hot Ones Challenge, and some, like DJ Khaled, have tapped out early, so the two music legends knew they had a tall feat ahead of them.
RZA was actually the first vegan to attempt this challenge, as it usually consists of unbearably hot chicken wings, but RZA had to endure the fiery pain with vegan-alternative nuggets instead.
They started off easily enough, with Sriracha-covered wings, but by the time they got to a sauce called “Pain 100%” their faces began to shrivel and they started taking a couple extra seconds before answering host Sean Evans’ questions.
Banks tried to keep his composure the whole time, and who knows what RZA looked like behind those dark sunglasses, but the two succeeded in getting through the spicy madness, probably losing their minds after the camera cut out.