Bernie Sanders And His Magical Trip To In-N-Out Burger

I’ve seen all ages of folks walk into In-N-Out Burger to enjoy the time capsule of a nearly perfect burger experience. So when Presidential candidate Bernie Sanders finds his way through the glass doors of an In-N-Out Burger front, I smile with affection and smirk knowing his fuckin’ PR people are the best in the game right now.

And that’s what Bernie Sanders did, walk right into an In-N-Out Burger with his lugging, peeled-back smile and order food. Shook hands. Took the inevitable picture behind a counter of chippy In-N-Out associates. At some point he also shared his french fries with some free-roamin’ kids. Was he taking a charming break from his campaign trail for a Double Double extra chiles, or was he strategically on the trail, picking the most California of burger spots to indulge. I vote the latter.

I won’t linger on ABC’s Mary Alice Parks reporting that Sanders filled his own soda — he’s a grown man, he already walked into an In-N-Out Burger instead of hitting the drivethru, he’s gonna march his way over and fill his cup like the best of us.

Here’s the hoopla in photos, giddy associates and all:


bernie-in-n-out bernies-sanders-innout-3



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