Glowing Blue Meat, Snakes Under A Fridge And The 6 Craziest Food Stories [THE KATCHUP]

It’s been a crazy week in the world of food news. If you’ve been swamped with work or personal problems and haven’t had a chance to keep updated on what’s delicious, what’s dirty, and what’s trending right now, the Foodbeast Weekly Katchup might just be your new best friend.

We’ve definitely got some pretty tasty, weird and terrifying headlines this week.

Check out our Katchup in the video above. We’re still cringing from that snake story.

1. Mozzarella Marinara Shot Glasses


A new player in the world of cheesy food creations has entered the game. Through The Eyes Of My Belly created a deep-fried mozzarella SHOT GLASS that she fills marinara sauce. We definitely wouldn’t mind pounding a few of these.

2. Snake Under The Fridge


An Australian woman woke up one morning to discovered there was a giant brown snake under her refrigerator. Even worse, it had laid 14 EGGS. So it looks like we’re going to be cautiously afraid of refrigerators for the rest of our lives.

3. Starbucks Barista Stealing A CC


A video recently went viral showing a woman driving up to a Starbucks drive-thru window explaining that she had her credit card information stolen and that a barista at a Starbucks she visited was behind the theft.

The video shows the angry mother confronting the 19-year-old girl over the theft.

4. IHOP Journey AYCE Pancakes


When one of our writers, Sean Fahmy, said he could demolish his fair share of pancakes, we told him to put his money where his mouth was. Boy, did he.

Sean hit up the local IHOP and attempted to break the restaurant’s all-you-can-eat pancake record. What happened next was a morning filled with four different kinds of syrup, sticky laptops, and a massive sugar coma.

5. Glowing Meat From China


A man in China bought himself 92 pounds of pork. After seasoning it and leaving it overnight in a bucket, he came back and found that the meat started to GLOW BLUE.

What crazy thing could cause every-day pork to turn such a luminous color?

6. Cheetos Pipe


Honorary Foodbeast Tym Bussinach, known for his Breakfast Sushi, and more recently the White Castle Pizza, decided to turn a Cheetos puff into a pipe. Probably his simplest recipe yet. All you really need are three ingredients.

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