Girl Dumped For Getting Fat, Gets Savage Revenge On Boyfriend In Disgusting Way
In a weird story about revenge, a young woman by the name of Xiaoxiao got dumped by her boyfriend for being “too fat,” and pulled one of the most savage comebacks you’ll ever see.
After the breakup, Xiaoxiao got liposuction surgery, which in itself could have been enough for a “How do you like me now” moment, but she went next-level by taking the fat from her surgery, making it into bars of soap and sending it to her ex-boyfriend and his family.
Thankfully, she documented her experience on a Chinese social media site called Weibo and even had photos.
She posted a text message she sent to her ex-boyfriend which read:
“Yang Xiaolei, do you remember last year’s Spring Festival? Since I cannot go home with you this year, I’ve made a piece of soap from my own fat to give to your mum for washing up. Chinese New Year – the time to surprise those low men who can only judge a book by its cover!”
Of course, her boyfriend Xiaolei responded pretty angrily, especially since this whole thing was being posted on social media. Xiaolei said:
“Why are you making me look bad on the Internet?! It was already over between us, you didn’t need to go to the hospital to suck out fat and disgust me! Damn, do I judge people solely by their appearances? You didn’t need to disgust my mum, or what? F*ck you b****!”
Apparently she did need to disgust “mum.”
Bro, next time you orchestrate a breakup, just say “Things weren’t working out” so you don’t have to wash your mouth out with fat soap.
h/t brobible