Homemade Nutter Butter Using Nutella, Dark Chocolate and Caramel

Nutter Butter, in its original form, is a peanut-shaped sandwich cookie with a memorable peanut butter filling. Our friend Rachel was recently inspired to create her own homemade version. Calling it the “Our kind of Nutter Butter dessert,” she used peanut butter, plus caramel, dark chocolate, Nutella and graham crackers in her version to create something that will appeal to fans of the original.

Here’s the recipe adapted from Rachel’s blog for you to try this goodness yourself:

My kind of Nutter Butter dessert

Adapted very slightly from Blue Eyed Bakers
2 packages of Honey Graham Crackers
1 cup Earth Balance (butter)
1 cup organic dark brown sugar
1 cup peanut butter chips
1 1/2 cups dark chocolate chunks
3/4 cup peanut butter
1/2 cup Nutella
Line an 8 by 8″ baking pan with aluminum foil, allowing excess to hang over sides. Spray the foil with non-stick cooking spray, and set aside.
Breaking the graham’s in half, fill the cake pan with one layer of graham crackers. *Break grahams if needed to be sure you fill up the bottom of the pan. Sprinkle a handful or so of each the peanut butter chips and chocolate chunks over the graham layer.
Melt butter and brown sugar in a saucepan over medium heat, stirring constantly, until melted and starting to bubble. It should have a smooth, creamy consistency. Pour 1/3 of this mixture over the graham’s as evenly as you can. Lay another layer of graham cracker’s over this caramel layer. Repeat these steps two more times. Finishing with a layer of graham’s on the top.
In a double broiler, melt the peanut butter and Nutella, until nice and smooth. Spread this mixture over the last layer of graham’s as evenly as you can. Place dessert in the fridge or freezer, allowing to cool for at least 30 minutes or 20 minutes in freezer, so the Nutella top can set. Remove, and follow the guide lines of the graham’s, and semi-cut into squares. (you can cut all the way through, but they may fall apart…. however, if they are too cold, they will break. So, either way, it is going to crack or be a little messy. 🙂 But, messy treats are the best!)
Put these bars back in the fridge or freezer and allow to cool completely.
To keep from chocolate layers melting (the top melts easily now that it is summer), store in the fridge.

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