People Are Going Crazy Over These Penis-Shaped Peppers
“You know how many foods are shaped like dicks? The best kinds.”
That seems to be the Superbad logic that is currently being employed in Barcelona, Spain as locals and tourists are loving the somewhat-erotic foods being sold in La Rambla.
La Rambla is a major tourist attraction as the outdoor market filed with street performers and kiosks selling different products.
According to the Local, some flower kiosks recently started selling Penis Pepper seeds after Barcelona’s city council banned flower shops from selling regular souvenirs.
I guess these seeds don’t fall under your typical souvenir description as they’ve been getting away with selling them.
The Peter Peppers have every passerby laughing and taking selfies with them, along with the vulva flower seeds and boob-shaped melon seeds.
If you’re like Jonah Hill and dig phallic food, don’t worry if you can’t make it to Barcelona as you can grab a bag of 10 seeds for $5 on Amazon.
Check out a video of this phenomenon below:
picthx hollyjokers