Google Is Working On Tech That Will Count The Calories On Your Instagram Food Pics

All those food pictures in your Instagram feed might start showing calories, CNET reports. At an artificial-intelligence conference last week, Kevin P. Murphy of Google submitted a project that was said to allow users to count the calories of the food photos they posted on Instagram.

The project is called Im2Calories, reports Popular Science. Apparently it uses “sophisticated deep learning algorithms” as well as pattern recognition to identify foods. By doing so, it gives the users of the social media platform an estimate of how many calories their food photo contains.

While still not quite accurate, Murphy states that it gets smarter with more users contributing. Currently, Google has no plans to release Im2Calories as it is still in the developmental and research phases. However, they did file a patent on the software.

We can all agree, however, that it might hit a snag on the Foodbeast Instagram.


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