This Restaurant Just DARED McDonald’s To Team Up With Them For A HEALTHY MENU
If there’s anything that might save the sliding McDonald’s company, it’s offering a truly fresher and healthier product.
According to Entrepreneur, Matthew Corrin, the CEO of Freshii fast food released an open letter to McDonald’s, challenging the mega chain to let it co-brand one location and start offering healthier menu items. Corrin was bold enough to say that the move would help McDonald’s increase its sales by 30 percent and if it didn’t, Corrin would pay back the difference.
Not only is he giving McDonald’s the chance to help its image with healthy alternatives, but if it doesn’t work, it won’t cost McDonald’s a thing.
Freshii is a Canadian-based fast food chain that has over 100 locations in seven different countries. With a reputation for selling fresh, lean wraps and cold-pressed juices, McDonald’s would greatly benefit from a menu like that.
Corrin told QSR Web that he didn’t call them out as a publicity stunt, although it hasn’t hurt his fast food chain. Corrin said McDonald’s has been trying to appeal to millennials and this could be the perfect move for them.
Corrin said:
“I think about health and wellness all the time. I wanted to offer McDonald’s a solution from a Millennial. McDonald’s is a fast food giant that has struggled the most in recent times. They’re losing millennials. They’re losing trust from Wall Street. I view this as a win-win to help citizens of the world live healthier and longer lives while helping McDonald’s with their comeback story,”
McDonald’s has not yet responded to Corrin’s open letter, but they’d be crazy not to, as McDonald’s sales have dropped 4 percent in the US and the best it can do is give us a new hipster Hamburglar.
Your move, McD.