A Chinese Restaurant Is Offering Huge Discounts For Women In Short Skirts

A Jinan hot pot restaurant is offering steeply discounted meals to women that wear skimpy skirts, reports Sina News.

Female customers whose hems are measured to be 33 centimeters (12 inches) above the knee by the restaurant are being offered a 90% discount on their food. In contrast, women wearing skirts or dresses revealing a modest 8 centimeters (3 inches) are only given 20% off their meals.

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In attention-getting promotions designed to bring in more attractive female customers, a few restaurants in China have gone far beyond the pale.

One hot pot restaurant in Zhengzhou used a panel of judges from a local plastic surgery clinic to give away free meals to attractive people.

Another eatery in Chongqing offered heavily-discounted and free meals to overweight men. The heavier the men weighed, the higher the discount offered. The promotion flipped the script for women, however — females that weighed less than 34.5 kilos (76 lbs.) had their meals comped.

Are these promotions offensive to women? Do looks really matter when it comes to just eating a meal? While it might be too soon to tell if these promotions will pay off, right now, we’re just not feeling them.

Article written by Augustine Reyes Chan of NextShark || h/t: Shanghaiist

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