Running Italy Diary: A Weekend In Paris

So this post is probably not going to be nearly as exciting as Paris Hilton’s sex tape, but I can try. This past weekend I backpacked to my favorite city in the world. This was my second time visiting and I loved it as much as the first time.

On top of the Eiffel Tower

I stay classy.

After being here for over three weeks this all looks and feels like Monopoly money.

Notre Dame

I put this up just cause it’s cute.

Arc de Triomphe

On top of the Arc

Coming down the Arc

“Can you show me the way to the next whiskey bar?” A tree next to Jim Morrison’s grave.

Chopin chillin’ six feet deep

Oscar Wilde’s grave

The Louvre

All that for such a tiny painting…

…and here is the famous lady.

I had the great opportunity to tour Le Cordon Bleu while I was there. It was an amazing experience to see where some of the greatest chefs learned the basics. It’s free and worth the trip.

One of the kitchens inside the school

Random popcorn machine at the Pisa airport

McDonald’s loves it everywhere.

Seems pretty accurate

French onion soup

Yes, I did have pasta in Paris. Can’t get enough.

Delicious breakfast. We Americans love those fatty, fried foods.


Chocolate mousse, more like chocolate pudding



Chocolate tart

Creme Brulee

My first meal in Paris this time around. One of the best burgers I’ve ever had the pleasure to eat.

Wine tour post coming up soon, along with a farewell post to Florence. I just got to Rome today. The month-long journey is almost over. Till next time, ciao!

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