Ice Cream On Avocado Might Be The Weirdest Trend You’ll Ever See
If you’ve ever peeped a Japanese game show, you know how weird things can get in the Land of the Rising Sun.
The Japanese people have had a pretty insane food trend over the years that consists of ice cream on avocados.
If you’re not hip to Japanese trends, they’re not quite like American trends, as these people are also pretty crazy about peaches and mozzarella, which in hindsight, doesn’t sound as appaling as avocado and ice cream.
RocketNews24 says that avocado has been a popular food item in Japan for a while and people have been combining it with ice cream, soy sauce and sometimes even sauteed butter.
Not sure if the Japanese people have lost their minds, but people have posted some of their avocado and ice cream creations on Twitter a lot of them are pretty nuts.
Anyone care to test these recipes?
Classic Avocado With Ice Cream
— けんたこ (@ken_tako) June 11, 2014
Simple Enough. Just the standard avocado and ice cream.
Add Honey
アボカドにバニラアイスのせてハチミツかけたv(^_^v)♪ — けんたこ (@ken_tako) June 24, 2013
Adding some honey doesn’t make it seem radically crazy.
Avocado, Ice Cream and Peaches
白桃のコンポートとアボカドとバニラアイスのデザート。アボカドの全てを野菜に変える強情っぷりに私の舌がたじたじになった。 — OGG*Marine (@OGG_ZIP) September 14, 2014
We might still be in the same ballpark with peaches.
Soy Sauce
想像をはるかにこえるsweets。 アボカド+バニラアイス+しょうゆ。 — 優希 (@sumichaaan1) August 11, 2014
Now they’re starting to really turn it up. Soy sauce is a little, um, odd.
Add Tomatoes
その2、トマト、アボカド、梨にバニラアイス。うん、これはまあまぁ美味しかった。 — 学食巡りサークル@ビビンバ (@bbmb_bbnb) September 17, 2013
OK, now they’ve made some kind of ice cream salad. Avocado, vanilla ice cream, peaches and tomato all in the same plate. *Mind blown*
Sauteed Butter
— 今井俊介 / Shunsuke IMAI (@imashunn) March 6, 2012
Seriously. what the hell, Japan?
Cinnamon Baked Apple
さむーいさむーい日には、暖かくてほっこりデザート《アボカド焼きりんご》はいかがですか?ダイアモンドアップルを使用。オーブンでじっくり焼き上げた りんごとアボカドは相性抜群ですよ バニラアイス&ホイップクリーム、シナモンを仕上げに♪
— avocafe (@avocafe) February 10, 2015
This one’s at least dressed up pretty. It has a bottom layer of baked apple, then sliced avocado, ice cream and cinnamon sprinkled over top.
Balsamic Vinegar
— 秋吉絵梨子 (@325_eriko) November 4, 2014
And we’re right back to weird. There is absolutely no way ice cream and balsamic vinegar mix. Nope. Won’t accept this.
h/t Rocket News 24