Running Italy Diary: Weekend Trip to Sorrento, Capri and Pompeii

Beautiful does not even begin to describe what I’ve seen this past weekend. The Naples area was a mini vacation within this vacation. I climbed a volcano, saw the Blue Grotto, passed under the arch of love, saw the ruins of Pompeii and got a serious tan during my brief stay in Southern Italy.

The view from my hotel room in Sorrento.


Blue Grotto. This baby costs 25 euros to get into — worth every cent.

The monstrous sized lemons used to make monstrous amounts of Limoncello in Sorrento.

Lots and lots of Limoncello

Lemon and strawberry gelato

Bacon onion pizza

Spinach and cheese calzone

I gave in and bought a burger during the weekend. One of the best burgers I had. The pub I got it from served it with cheese sauce and fries in it.

Climbing Mount Vesuvius

Rocky pose

After climbing 4,000 feet up I felt like I deserved a break.

Nutella’s biffle

This odd-shaped candy  is called a Kinder Egg. I got a toy with it, pretty exciting.

Ruins of Pompeii

I got served this zucchini pasta for the group dinner my university had…

…and this turkey. Yup, it happened. Turkey in Italy, who would of guessed. It was like Thanksgiving all over again.

Ham and mushroom pizza

Pasta fagioli

A real ice cream sandwich. Chocolate hazelnut and banana gelato served in a brioche.

So far Capri has been my favorite place I’ve seen in Italy. The scenery is amazing and unlike anything I’ve ever seen. Southern Italy is so different than Florence. Regardless I still consider Florence my home for now. It’s just cozy here. I went on a wine tour today so expect a post about that soon. Also, I’m backpacking in Paris this weekend.

Ciao Italia and bonjour France.

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