Man Named Jack Daniel’s Passes Curse Along to Newborn Son Jim Beam
In recent youthful angst news, a Louisiana man follows in his father’s empty Old Fashioned glasses by naming his son Jim Beam.
The man in question is Jack Daniel’s.
Jack Daniel’s Leathers, 31, was named in order to inflict as much distress on his grandparents as possible, but baby Jim Beam is simply the product of a running joke.
Leathers and his wife Lydia, 23, apparently talked about the baby name on their first date (given Leathers’ unusual name, I’ll put my red flag back in my pocket). Instead of remaining drunken fodder of a young relationship, they eventually took their love for each other—and whiskey—to the next level by getting married by Judge Johnny Walker.
Jim Bean Leathers came barrelling into the world on November 14 at Terrebonne General Medical Center in Houma, LA. His future siblings can reportedly look forward to the names Evan Williams and Sherry.
H/t The Courier Journal & Picthx Mashable