Starbucks Adds Wireless Phone Chargers to the List of Reasons Its Customers Never Go Home

When going to Starbucks, the need to Instagram your coffee order can be pretty insurmountable. The only problem is your phone is practically dead and all the wall outlets are either taken by studious college students or guys writing life-altering screenplays. If only there was a way to get a quick charge before that whipped cream melted on your caramel macchiato.


Teaming up with Power Mat Technologies, Starbucks launched a series of test chargers at 200 of its San Francisco Bay area stores. Customers only need to grab a charging ring and connect it to their cellular device. They then just place it on the Powermat and wait for the battery to fill up. No need to carry around a bulky charger and no need to wait for an outlet to open up.

The San Francisco stores will be the first indicator of the Powermat’s success before a national launch. The rings can also be purchase at Starbucks stores for $9.99.

H/T Recode

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