Man Catches a Sick Food Coma at Golden Corral, Nearly Chokes on Food

It’s not unusual to want to knock out after stuffing your face with an unlimited amount of spare ribs and bacon-wrapped sirloin steak, but rarely do people actually fall asleep face-first onto their plate in a life-threatening manner.

According to the Atlanta Journal Constitution, a couple took a little nappy-poo together at a Georgia Golden Corral. They must have been in a pretty deep sleep because the police had to be called.

It’s unclear if the couple was under the influence at the time, but Angela Denise Reece was charged with two counts of drug possession. As far as her male counterpart, who was chin-deep in a plate of food, he had to be awakened by police before he could snort up his food and choke on it.

“The officer saved the man’s life by waking him up so he didn’t inhale food and choke.”

Good thing they called the police and the man’s life was saved, because apparently no one on staff thought about, like, maybe waking up the man themselves.

The couple’s food-coma game was at level Snorlax.

H/T AJC, PicThx @Dom_Tucker

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