Olive Garden Puts the Fate of Their New Menu in the Hands of Tweeters and IGers


Olive Garden can’t seem to figure out what you want, so they just said, screw it, we’ll leave it up to you.

According to Yahoo, Olive Garden will be crowd-sourcing from their Twitter and Instagram followers, trying to  figure out which of the company’s new menu items will become mainstays. OG introduced two new sets of menu items in their Northern Tour of Italy and Southern Tour of Italy. The two menus will go head-to-head in a gangster manner, as voters decide which will stay for good by using the hashtags #TeamNorth or #TeamSouth. And for those who aren’t the least bit tech-savvy and think a hash tag has something to with corned beef, you can also vote in-restaurant.

The Northern Tour of Italy consists of an Asiago Tortelloni with Meat Sauce, the Chicken Lombardy, which comes with three cheeses and topped with bacon, and the Fettuccine with Creamy Parmesan Portobello Sauce.

The Southern Tour of Italy consists of Mezzaluna Marinara, Spicy Pesto Shrimp and a Bucatini with Spicy Tomato Bacon Sauce.

The future of Olive Garden is in your hands, Tweeters.

H/T Yahoo

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