Professional Cheese Babysitter Is a Real and Magical Job


If you have a job where all you do is sit, and eat and rate cheese, you’ve made it. A professional cheese grader from a Cabot Creamery in Vermont believes that he is a “cheese babysitter” because that’s pretty much what his job entails.

Senior cheese grader Craig Gile defines cheddar profiles on a daily basis, reports WCAX. This means he’s determining what’s mild and what’s sharp by eating lots and lots of cheese. His daily tasks include testing sharpness of cheese (the more resistance the sharper), as well as detecting notes of fruitiness or yeast. Gile also looks out for discolorations or abnormalities in the cheese. Sir, you have the best job ever.

“Sometimes you do have stubborn cheeses. I usually refer to my job as babysitting cheese. I do really think of them as having their own personalities,” Gile tells WCAX. He describes his job as an amalgam of cheese babysitter and cheese shrink, thanks to his degree in psychology.

Apparently you don’t even need a world-class palate to become a cheese babysitter. You just have to know what you’re looking for and love cheese.

That’s practically this entire office.

H/T Consumerist

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