This Is What Happens When a Food Blogger Starts Selling Weed

What do you get when you use food blogging skills to start a weed business? A ton of beautiful close-ups of weed.
David Hua, the self-described “plus one” to his wife’s food blog Lick My Spoon, is an entrepreneur and has been smoking medical marijuana for a while. He was the head of mobile growth and marketing for Sincerely, a mobile gifting app. He is now bootstrapping his latest startup Meadow, a San-Francisco-based app which allows medical marijuana users to get their identification and physician’s recommendation letter verified, browse dispensary menus and place orders to be delivered in an hour or less all from their phones.
Recognizing a growing trend in the market and creating a startup for it, Hua is working closely with dispensaries, like The Vapor Room Cooperative, to gather up-to-date menus and delicious-looking images to browse through.
“This is not some get-rich-quick scheme; we’re playing the long game on behalf of the medical movement … Our overarching goal is to implement and publicize a lawful marketplace to demonstrate to medical cannabis opponents that patients can obtain access to necessary treatment without endangering public safety or the rule of law.”
Though Meadow charges $3 each delivery to the dispensary, patients don’t have to be verified every time and there are no waiting in lines.
If we were geniuses like Hua, we would also ensure we have these two key items at home — good food and good weed.
Source: TechCrunch
This story comes from our business / start-up publishing partner NextShark