Is This Scallion Pancake Burger the New Ramen Burger?

As entrepreneurs, if there is one thing we truly admire in people and products, it’s disruption and innovation — this scallion pancake burger may be one of the tastiest innovations to disrupt your taste buds yet.
Food blogger and culinary artist Dan Whalen of The Food in my Beard mixed America’s most iconic food with some all-too-recognizable Asian features — you can’t deny this fusion would be delicious.
The Ramen Burger’s got nothin’ on this.
via Mashable
You’ve got the green onion pancake, which Whalen conveniently shows how to make on his blog, that sandwiches your beef patty (make sure it’s grass-fed), sriracha caramelized onions, and shredded sharp cheddar cheese topped-off with a fried egg. This scallion pancake burger also has jalapeños thrown in for extra sweetness.
Behold the evolution of culinary greatness:
h/t: Thrillist Images via The Food in my Beard
Originally written by Max Chang for NextShark