Not Even Quiznos Understands The Logic Behind Their Own Lobster Campaign

As part of a last piece effort to promote Quiznos’ limited time Lobster & Seafood Salad Sub and Chopped Salad offerings, the chain has revealed a website and accompanying video under the branding The Loneliest Lobster. The 3:13-long segment has a certain level of charm, following the journey of four live lobsters, named Larry, Lucky, Lainey and Lenny.

The campaign aimed to show off a rather confused sense of appreciation to the sea creatures, mentioning that the more Lobster & Seafood Salad Subs Quiznos customers ate, the more lobsters they would rescue. Sounds confusing enough, right? Wrong.

While the sandwiches look tempting enough, one has to question the purpose of this video. Production value is decent, time was spent, and one can assume the agency responsible had some higher meaning in mind, possibly showing off the company’s care, compassion or level of freshness involved with the creation of these new menu items. All confusion aside, “Life in Reverse” is a great title for the video, showing the company’s knowledge of sourcing a quality product without…telling you it knows how to do that.

The video pushes forward, doing an unusually admirable job of giving life and individuality to the four lobster protagonists. Then the video gains a conscious, with the narrator quoted as saying, “We couldn’t help but wonder if what we’d done was just a big contradiction….It’s not their fault, they taste so good.

Yes, people love being reminded that the food they’re about to eat was once alive…with personality. At least the campaign has got people talking, and in the marketing realm, I’m sure that’s an achievement in and of itself.

So does Quiznos understand their latest campaign to promote their new Lobster & Seafood menu items, or not? You be the judge:

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