Tapatío-Flavored Fritos Are a Reality

According to a report from OC Weekly and the always fun-to-read Gustavo Arellano, we are now privvy to the Tapatío brand’s 5-product collaboration series with Frito-Lay that should be unveiled in the months to come. Most likely in conjunction with the legendary hot sauce brand’s 40th anniversary celebration this year, the first of the upcoming collaborations comes in the form of these Tapatío-flavored Fritos.

Knowing Tapatío‘s brand of secrecy and cult-expectations, the collaboration most likely went through many phases before coming to fruition. According to Arellano’s report, the Saavedras (the family behind the hot sauce) were approached by Frito-Lay for the collab, on the condition that the recipe for their sauce was kept a secret and that they would have the final taste test before any product hit the market.

The family’s secret recipe was kept under wraps during the process, with Tapatío only offering up their actual hot sauce for Frito-Lay to mix into their product. We should be expecting Tapatío-flavored Ruffles, Doritos and Lays out of the brands’ partnership.


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