New Diet Pepsi Skinny Can and the Ensuing Controversy

Diet Pepsi made some waves late last week with its public introduction of a “skinny can” during Fashion Week. The can, which is positioned as a “taller, sassier” version of its original can-counterpart has caused some media rubbernecking that Pepsi Co. most likely hadn’t intended.

What was supposed to be a timely and genius introduction amidst fit and fashionable people at Fashion Week ended up offending and alienating some. Critics of the can were rather vocal about their displeasure, one of critic, The National Eating Disorders Association, called Pepsi’s comments both “thoughtless and irresponsible”. (Yahoo!) Apparently the Skinny Can sends the wrong message, pushing that skinnier is sexier, sleeker and better.

Actress Sofia Vergara of Modern Family fame is set to be the face of the new campaign, with new print ads entering circulation on February 28th. What do you guys think of the Skinny Can? Offensive? Sexy? Smartly introduced? Are these critics reading way too far into it? Be heard; drink on!

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