Adventure: Bear Flag Fish Co. (Newport Beach, CA)

It’s lunchtime, we’re hungry, and we had a hankering for tacos (the stock picture above is from a nighttime shot on their website, too cool to pass up though). Our friend and contributing writer Mitch suggested we hit up the Bear Flag Fish Co. for what he claimed was “The best fish tacos in Orange County!”  For a county bordering the sea and also blanketed with high quality mexican food, that claim needed to be tested. The location boasts a quality selection of fresh seafood and a modern ambiance. Hidden off 31st street in Newport Beach, we decided to give this place a true test drive:

When there’s a crowd like this, you know the food is going to be good. Busy people in the middle of a work day don’t usually wait this long in lines if the food is sub-par. The entire location is jumping off with MILFS galore, businessmen on lunch breaks, surfers from the beach a few feet away and our own brand of random FOODBEASTING.

Other than the huge display cases of fresh fish they have on deck, the first thing we noticed upon entering was one of their drink specials: COCONUTS. These are the real deal…so real you have to puncture them yourself. Thankfully both Taylor and Mitch came prepared, and went sharp-end deep on these bad boys:

We decided not to mess with success, and ordered their house fish tacos all around. Mitch (seen above) is squeezin’ lemons (yup) on a healthy platter of fish tacos. The Bear Flag Fish Co. pushes a healthy lifestyle that’s exuded from just about everything in their spot, including the food, the decor and the good looking people coming in and out. Here’s a few shots of one of the sexiest couples we caught on camera:

For some super fresh seafood and killer fish tacos, make sure to check out the BEAR FLAG FISH Co. if you’re in Orange County. Until next time, DUECES!


407 31st Street

Newport Beach, CA 92663

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