Someone Made a ‘Bacon Weave Choco Taco,’ What Have You Done Today?
I’m going to be honest, this Bacon Weave Choco Taco makes me want to chuck my laptop in the bin and call it a day. The impossible, the unimaginable and the incredible has already been done in one fell swoop, and what have I been doing with my life? Apparently, nothing even remotely close to what Nick over at Dude Foods is achieving.
On any regular day, Dude Foods will showcase the usual fare of deep-fried bacon cheeseburgers and deep-fried, beer-bacon-battered DLTs. The usual. I thought I had Nick all figured out — that he was a chocolate-chip-cookie-ice-cream-cone kind of guy and that was the end of it. Then, he had to go ahead and shove a bunch of ice cream into a bacon-weave taco and dip the damn thing in chocolate. To add insult to injury, he even sprinkled chopped peanuts on top. Ouch, we thought we knew you Nick, we really did.
Although, once our heads stop throbbing from the mindfuck, we’ll probably take some time out of our day to try this glorious Bacon Weave Choco Taco. We just ask that you go easy on us next time, Nick, and do something simple, like deep-fried Doritos.
H/T + PicThx Dude Foods