Disney Secures Patent for Interactive Cakes

Thanks to the folks over at StitchKingdom, we now have a look at what Disney looks to get into next: Interactive Cakes. Walt Disney and co. have been awarded the patent to “Projector Systems and Methods For Producing Digitally Augmented, Interactive Cakes and Other Food Products“, which basically means the way we used to eat cakes…is no longer legit.

With a focus on high-tech projector equipment, the basic gist of the patent seems to imply we’ll be able to enjoy cakes that seemingly alter their characteristics as we eat, via topographical projections. Imagine a projector illuminating down on an edible cake that would be able to detect once a slice is missing. Say you purchased a cake shaped like an above ground swimming pool…cut out a piece, and watch the water from the top layer spill out over the edges and into the crevice you just created. The idea of coupling a computer, projection technology and edible goods is now property of Disney. Can’t wait to see what comes of it!

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