Church Gives Away Chick-Fil-A Gift Cards to Married, Heterosexual Couples
This past Sunday, May 19th, a church located in Ohio offered $25 Chick-fil-A gift cards to every married, “husband and wife” couple. The advertisement (above) promoting this event was posted in a Dayton newspaper and lead with the headline “A Day to Honor Biblical Marriage.”
It should be noted that while the ad does feature Chick-fil-A’s classic logo and mascot, the fast food chain told HuffPo in an email that they did not sponsor the event. The cards were reportedly purchased by a local restaurant and donated to the Cornerstone Baptist Temple.
Still, it’s unfortunate for a company already infamous for their CEO’s anti-gay statements to be connected to a blatantly prejudiced incident. The controversial ad was originally spotted by Reddit user jking191. The post began an intense discussion, with many commenting that the views of any individual Chick-fil-A restaurant does not support the view of the entire company. A valid point, as just last March a location in California offered free meals to gay marriage supporters during a nearby demonstration.