HOT ON INSTAGRAM: Wagyu Beef Hot Dog, Slathered in BBQ Sauce, Takis, Cheese and Grilled Onions
As part of an impromptu barbecue session to test out a new package of grill-worthy meat from Steakhouse Elite, Foodbeast developer Rudeluv stumbled upon an insane new creation: a BBQ sauce-slathered Wagyu beef hot dog, cheese, Takis, and grilled onions.
Moments later the process was published to the @Foodbeast Instagram.
What seems like a mess actually turned out to work splendidly. The crunch and spicy bite of the hot dog was complimented by the sweet barbecue sauce, the melted cheese, crispy Takis and grilled onions allowed for a myriad of textures in every bite. Don’t read too much into it though, this was an office grilling experiment gone awry — but our stomachs aren’t complaining.
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