This Butter Cheese Grater Is Your Key to Fluffy, Greasy Bliss

As I was trying to title this post, a few possible endings came to mind: This Butter Cheese Grater Is . . . “the best thing since sliced bread,” “too awesome for words,” “the answer to our every possible need.” But it’s so much more than that.

For everyone who’s sick of using butter pats, Japan has invented a butter “cheese-grater” that transforms solid sticks of butter into fluffy, easy-to-spread strings. No longer do you have to tear up your toast every time you eat breakfast, infomercial-style — now you can share your greasy, greasy love with the world. Or you know, your waffles.

Just stick your stick in the stick holder and watch as the “Easy Butter” cranks out beautiful, noodle-like fibers all over your favorite slice of brick toast, or, as Rocket News suggests, straight into your mouth. Go hard or go home.

Easy Butter Butter-Former: ¥2300 or $23.22 USD @ Metex


H/T + PicThx Rocket News

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