Adventure: The Wharf (Boston, Massachusetts)

Everyone always raves about how lucky we are in Southern California because of our perfect weather, beaches, ladies, food… The list never stops! To be honest though, SoCal was getting to me, which is why I decided to pack my bags and visit some friends on the east coast! I planned on making a trip to Boston, Massachusetts…A place where they actually have seasons!  Check out the adventure as my friends and I grub down with some Homemade Boston Clam Chowder and fresh seafood at the Fisherman’s Net!

The Wharf in  Massachusetts is a long stretch of countless restaurants, ice cream, candy, and coffee shops! As you can tell by the food signs, Greek, Thai, Mexican, Italian, Chinese, and Japanese foods are all represented here!

Even with all the choices they had to offer, I stuck with the local favorite: seafood!

Homemade Boston Clam Chowder in a Bread Bowl. This baby was everything I had dreamed about while I was eating stale chips on the five hour plane ride over!

(Note to self) Don’t get too excited and rip a piece out of the bread bowl… it will spill!

Bacon Wrapped Scallops & French Fries were bomb. The ultimate surf and turf, on a skewer!

Fried Calamari with ketchup and Tauter Sauce.

Freshly Fried Crab Cakes! Crunchy on the outside and soft on the inside!

Ordering a full cup of Nacho Cheese French Fries, its good to see my boy Viraj still had his California roots after living in Boston for more then half a year!

Shout out to Emily Russell for showing us a good time, and dragging us to the The Wharf so we could show it what type of damage California Foodbeasts can do! If you’re ever in Massachusetts, take the orange-line tram straight from the airport to The Wharf and grub down! You won’t be disappointed.

North Shore Road

Revere, MA 02151

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