Gratuitous Food Porn: 4/20 Edition

Yes boys and girls, brownies are officially amateur. If you decided not to ring in the year’s chillest holiday with everyone else at Coachella, at least revel in knowing you actually have access to a kitchen and can whip up any of these bad boys whenever you damn well please. Well, after this hit. Maybe.


1. Stuffed Stoned Jalapeno Poppers


Elise McDonough, author of The Official High Times Cannabis Cookbook, describes this all-in-one appetizer perfectly: “The peanut butter tempers the heat of the peppers, and the herb gets you high – what more can you ask for from something this easy to make?” Nothing, Elise. Absolutely nothing.

Recipe: High Times


2. Cannabis Mac and Cheese


Not actually a recipe, all the photos featured here by Lew Robertson were commissioned by the fellows behind Deep Green for its 2nd annual Earth Day celebration last year. They probably didn’t even try them, since the disclaimer on their page reads “These images and recipes are to educate and entertain, we do not in any way condone the use of prohibited substances.” Riiiiiiiggghttttt.

Picthx: Lew Robertson


3. Strawberry Weed Muffins


The “weediness” of the weed and the tart sweetness of the strawberries makes this combination sound absolutely heavenly.

Recipe: Weed Scene


4. Sweet and Tangy Bar-B-Cannabis Sauce


Dip, dip, pass.

Recipe: High Times


5. Cannabis Butter


The secret to all baked baking, or for drizzling on popcorn, sneaking into the movies and tricking yourself into thinking Scary Movie 5 is actually funny.

Recipe: High Times


6. Aunt Sandy’s Lemon Bars


Sometimes couchlock can feel a little like scissor lock and all you want is someone to hold your hand and promise everything will be okay. While we can’t do that, and would probably laugh at you if you asked us to, hopefully these lemon bars are enough to remind you of mommy.

Recipe: Aunt Sandy’s


7. Baked Marijuana French Toast


Wake and bake and bake. Yummm.

Recipe: Good and Baked


8. Cannabis Infused Chocolate Covered Strawberries


Awesome for the same reason the strawberry weed muffins were awesome. True Life: if you find someone who’s down to split these on the first date, you’ve got yourself a reefer keeper.

Recipe: Cannabis Cheri


9. Cannabis Quesadillas


Leave it to the fellas at Culinary Cannabis to think up probably the easiest recipe on this list. I’d recommend prepping these beforehand and watching them turn in the microwave whenever you’re good and ready.

Recipe: Culinary Cannabis 


10. Strawberry Banana Marijuana Pancake


Too much strawberry you say? Sorry I can’t hear you over the sound of how bomb these look.

Recipe: Stupid Dope


11. Cheetos-Fried Chicken


Pair with Hot-Cheetos Crusted Mozzarella Sticks. Trust us.

Recipe: High Times


12. Cannabis Caramel Crunch Bars


It’d be hard enough to move after eating these even without the cannabis, but try to eat them somewhere comfortable. You’ll be stuck there for a good longggg whileeee.

Recipe: Good and Baked


13. Cannabis Infused Espresso Gelato


I’ve never tried, but I can imagine the combination of coffee and weed can make for a particularly harrowing experience. But don’t take my word for it. I don’t know anything, really. Just leave me alone.

Recipe: Cannabis Cheri


14. Chocolate Thai Nutella Bacon Croissant w/Kief


Do I really need to say anything else?

Recipe: TGKR


15. Jalapeno Ganja Muffins


Another fun one to watch while it finishes baking, the spice should pair nicely with the sweetness of the cornbread before melting into the earthiness of the cannabutter.

Recipe: Hemp Beach


16. Marijuana Pizza


Yeah, there’s no way they didn’t eat these things afterward. (*see no. 2)

Picthx Lew Robertson


17. Munchies Funnel Cake


AKA the secret to having the best time at the fair, ever. Follow up with a giant Maple Bacon Donut, because giant Maple Bacon Donut.

Recipe: Our Weed


18. Cannabis Infused Chicken and Cashew Sandwich


Admittedly, this one is probably much too complicated for my dwindling attention span, but at least it looks nice.

Recipe: Cannabis Cheri 


19. Dank Cheese Straws


Dude, what if everything is cheese straws.

Recipe: Hail Mary Jane


20. Jack Herer Hemp Cookies


And more cookies to round out the list, literally. Happy 4/20 y’all!

Recipe: Eat Drink Better 


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