Here’s How to Make Frosting-Filled Black Forest Pie

I’ve come to a realization about myself: I love frosting, and I think it’s highly underutilized. Sure, with the popularity of cake balls and whoopie pies, it gets a lot of love, but it’s not the star of the show.

So I’ve decided to stop beating around the bush and declare that it’s high time for frosting-filled pie. Yup. Frosting. Pie.

I used a Chocolate Almond frosting, an Oreo crust, and cherry pie filling for this particular recipe, but I encourage you to branch out and experiment with different frosting flavors, pie crusts, and mix-ins.

Black Forest Frosting Pie

Black Forest Frosting Pie



  •  1 can of Frosting Creations Frosting Starter
  • 1 packet of Duncan Hines Frosting Creations’ Chocolate Almond Flavor Mix
  • 1 (6 oz) premade Oreo cookie pie crust
  • 8 oz Cool Whip
  • 1 can (21 oz) cherry pie filling, divided


  1. Pour pack of Duncan Hines Frosting Creations’ Chocolate Almond Flavor Mix into can of Duncan Hines Frosting Creations Frosting Starter. Stir until evenly blended.
  2. In a large bowl, fold together frosting and 8 oz of Cool Whip until no white streaks are visible.
  3. Spread 1 cup cherry pie filling into bottom of Oreo pie crust. Save the remaining filling for garnish.
  4. Pour frosting mixture over the cherry filling and fill pie crust (it’s going to be FULL).
  5. Place pie in freezer for 1 to 2 hours to set.
  6. Prior to serving, garnish with remaining cherry filling. (Store leftovers, if there are any, in the fridge).


Sometimes I get on kicks where I just make one recipe over and over again but mix up the basic ingredients. This is one of those times, and I encourage you to join me. Four ingredients, a mere ten minutes (if that) of prep, endless possibilities, and frosting pie for everyone!

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