Fast Food CEO Not Afraid to Say Healthy Food ‘Not Our Personality’

Amidst the flurry of fast food companies scrambling to add “healthier” and “lighter” menu options, it’s refreshing to hear that one company, Carl’s Jr., has no intention of joining in.

Andy Puzder, CEO of CKE Restaurants which owns Carl’s Jr. and Hardee’s, was frank when he told the  LA Times that they didn’t plan on changing their “indulgent, decadent” image. “It’s not our personality and it won’t become our personality,” responded Puzder when asked about the health craze sweeping the fast food industry.

The 62-year-old CEO’s perspective is unique given the changes fast food moguls are making. McDonald’s just announced the release of their “Egg White Delight,” a yolk-free version of the Egg McMuffin, and Burger King will be rolling out a new Turkey Burger this week as a healthier alternative.

Although, that doesn’t go to say that Carl’s Jr. doesn’t have lighter options available on their menu, it’s just that they sell 20 times more bacon cheeseburgers at 740 calories than their barbecue chicken sandwiches at 390 calories. Keeping true to Carl’s Jr.’s reputation as the go-to spot for hearty, juicy meals, Puzder doesn’t see the brand touting claims of being the health joint to visit. “We’re not the food police,” he stated in an interview with The New Zealand Herald. “I think people have the right to choose whatever they want to eat.”

Well, there you go Bloomberg.

H/T LA Times, HuffPo + PicThx Carl’s Jr. FB

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