DID YOU KNOW: Apparently, Finding Mold in Capri Sun is Normal

Almost nothing can turn a stomach quite like finding mold in your supposedly good food or drink. Many mothers are discovering this quease-worthy fact when approached by their children who claim their Capri Sun tastes funny. The fruit drink beloved by elementary schoolers and praised by parents for lack of preservatives has a small kicker, fermentation. The promise of no preservatives allows for the possibility of fermentation, as well as mold to grow, if air find its way into packaging.

This surprising little fact is mentioned on the packaging itself, stating that the mold is not harmful to your health, physical health that is. The same cannot be said for the mental aversion you’ll have after sucking up a glob of delicious mold. (Excuse me, I think I just threw up a little in my mouth) Chances are you’ll never come across this phenomenon, but just in case you pop a straw into the pouch and it tastes a little off, no need to chance your mental state by playing scientist, just throw it away.

H/T + PicThx Snopes

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