Top 7 Instagram Photos of #FOODBEASTSUPERBOWL
So, as you may of heard, the Super Bowl happened today. The Ravens won, Beyoncé was fierce and the food was epic. In honor of the football spirit, we asked our always hungry FOODBEAST staff & readers to snap food photos of their game day bests and hashtag: #FOODBEASTSUPERBOWL. Here are the top pics of the season.
7. My Heart’s Melting for Patty
You have a fresco melt? That’s cute #grandlux#melt#foodporn#foodbeast#foodbeastsuperbowl — @scottip
6. Muffin Upgrade
Experimental green onion and goat cheese muffins. Verdict: I’m drooling — @cam_sims
5. Grilling Galore
#superbowl #foodbeastsuperbowl – pabst blue chicken — @lolsherwood
4. Grilling Galore II
Superbowl grill fare. #foodbeastsuperbowl — @geoffreykutnick
3. Wings and Thangs
Wings and things #foodbeastsuperbowl — @kierawrr
2. You Fancy Now
GameDay dessert, standard. #baklava #FOODBEASTSUPERBOWL — @charmillionairez
1. The Classic
Classic Seven Layer Dip. #foodbeastsuperbowl ##foodbeast — @smitty2k2