Dollar Dollar Bill, Ya’ll: McDonald’s Adds Snack Size Fish McBites & Grilled Onion Cheddar Burger to $1 Menu

What exactly can one dollar buy you these days?

A lot, if you head to the local 99 cents store or just save all of those dollars for the long run (okay, so maybe that isn’t really answering the question.)

The point is, the dollar isn’t dead. Especially if you decide to stroll over to the closest McDonald’s and spend your pocket change on something fancy.

In addition to their existing Dollar Menu, which includes fries and burgers, the fast food empire’s franchises will be offering up two new items for just $1 in the upcoming months: the Snack Size Fish McBites and the Grilled Onion Cheddar Burger.

Frankly, the expanded value menu gives us a lot to celebrate, since the Filet-O-Fish (my personal favorite McDonald’s item after the Big N’ Tasty was sadly discontinued at the beginning of 2011) has always been a bit too expensive for my taste. $3.49 is just too much to spend on a not-very-filling fast food sandwich from Mickey D’s, but it seems that the Snack Size Fish McBites will be the be nugget version of the fish sandwich at a cheaper price. Brilliant idea.

And it seems that the Grilled Onion Cheddar Burger will be a much-welcomed addition to the dollar menu, which, up to this point, has offered pretty basic (read: boring) offerings when it comes to burgers.

Keep up on your penny-pinching ways, guys. McDonald’s has got our back.

via Nation’s Restaurant News

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