Image Software Tricks You Into Thinking You’re Eating Less

Let’s face it, exercise sucks. The only other alternatives to losing weight are all those crazy new diets out there. But what if there was a way to eat what you want and lose weight without really changing your dietary habits?

A group of University of Tokyo researchers came up with the unique idea of developing a head-mounted display that augments what the viewer perceives to be the size of their food. Essentially making you feel more full even if you’re eating less. Through image processing software, the size of the food is increased without any distortion to the size of the users hand. Results showed in a test of 12 subjects that food blown up to 1.5x the normal size yielded a 10 percent decrease in consumption.

No running, no trips to the produce aisles and no dieting. All you pretty much have to do is watch a screen, eat and lose weight. Japan, what will you think of next?

Check out the video below!

via Gizmodo

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