Check Out These Sexy Food Sculptures Made of Paper

Welcome to the 21st century, where paper is going out of style like stone tablets in the whenever-they-used-stone-tablets-to-record-things age. We don’t use it for our essays, or our books, or passing love notes in class (just text her, buddy). Anyone who does use paper is swiftly taught the virtues of “going green” – don’t cut down our trees, just stare at them! So, now, presumably, we’ve got massive stores of paper somewhere, doing nothing, clogging up our office supply stores and reminding us that rain forests are no more.

Lucky for the human race, we’ve got this guy. Or rather, this gal.

Fideli Sundqvist is a Swedish artist who uses paper to make awesome, pretty things like lemons and steak. In an interview from the blog Strictly Paper (“highlighting the many creative uses of paper”), Sundqvist said, “Since I was young, I always wanted to become an artist. I dreamed about being Frida Kahlo, Niki de Saint Phalle, or Claude Monet. In early adolescence, I had a time when I thought art stuff was nerdy … but I turned back to these dreams after a few years and discovered the new genre of illustration and design, which suited me well.”

I don’t know about you, but the most exciting thing I’ve ever made with paper is a failed snowflake. And by “snowflake” I mean “mutilated ball of paper.”

via Visual News

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