Cafe Installs One-Way ‘Peek-A-Boo’ Mirror Into Women’s Restroom


Dear Gentlemen, now is your chance to solve the age old question you’ve been pondering all these years: What the hellz do girls do in the bathroom? Why do they always have to leave in pairs? And, Dude, what do you think they’re talking about it there?

Vienna cafe/gallery showroom Dots has installed a one-way mirror that invites men to peek into the women’s restroom from the men’s restroom next to it. Alexander Riegler, the artist behind the experimental project, explained to the  daily Heute newspaper that in an era where we are all being watched,  the mirror is meant to “stir people into a discussion of voyeurism and surveillance.”

While a spokesperson for the establishment reports that 95 percent of customers think the installation is “funny,” City Councillor Sandra Frauenberger told the press that, “This really is a form of harassment.” The Vice Chairman of the Consumer Protection Association further warned that the imposed voyeurism could lead to a possible shutdown of the cafe.

Of course, that’s not stopping Dots from reversing the mirror come January — ladies will get their own look into the world of men’s urinals. Oh boy, I’m ecstatic just thinking about the fine art that must go into pissing into a porcelain throne.

A cheeky photo from the Dots Facebook for your amusement:


Via Kurier


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